Friday, December 10, 2010

Finally in the third trimester! And life update.

So I shouldn't complain because this pregnancy has gone by really fast. I finally hit the third trimester and now see the Dr. every 2 weeks!! Before I know it, the baby will be here. Especially with Christmas right around the corner, then moving to our new tiny apartment and celebrating birthdays. I have plenty to keep me occupied for the next month.
Rob is finishing his first semester at BYU next week, then has a 2 week break for Christmas and then back to normal life full of homework! Yay! Only 4 more years of this! He is doing awesome and is working super hard! It will be nice to see a light at the end of the tunnel though.
We are moving on campus at BYU the beginning of January, which we are really looking forward to! It will be nice to be on our own and meet new friends that are in our same situation. Poor college students with kids! :D
Dax is doing well. He turns 3 in January and is super close to being potty trained!!!!! (I just need to put in a little more effort :D) I'm super excited about this. That means less diapers to buy! He still doesn't know what to think of me having a baby. Sometimes he acts excited and other times he tells me he is going to put the baby in time out. I guess we will see when he gets here.
Well that's all the updates from us lately. Kinda lame, I know. But that's life!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Not lame at all. congrats on the move, potty training, school break and third trimester!