Monday, May 25, 2009

This is what we have been up to!

We went to the zoo a couple weekends ago with some friends of ours. Rex and Dax had so much fun. They especially loved the giraffes, or "affs" as Dax likes to call them.

We tried to get Dax to pose by himself with the huge gorilla statue, but it was way to scary so I got in the picture with him.

I think we were looking at the llamas. The boys were more concerned with how to climb up and over the fence to get a closer look I think.

This is Dax's latest toy. He is getting to big for his car so we got him a power wheels 4-wheeler. He loves it and can ride it all by himself. He has also been swimming and running through the sprinklers whenever the weather is nice. (P.S. this picture looks EXACTLY like Rob when he was about Dax's age!)

We decided that we better play it safe with dax and his 4-wheeler. We got him a helmet cuz we all know and have seen how good Dax is at hitting his head on things. :)

1 comment:

Raspberry said...

How fun! And you're right, that picture looks a lot like Rob. :)